

Creative Europe, 5 million euros call for literary translations

Five million euros to support literary translations and the promotion of books in EU countries. The European Commission has published the call for proposals for the circulation of European literary works under the Creative Europe Programme. With a budget of 5 million euros , the initiative aims to facilitate the [...]

EU, new corporate tax regime in force from 1 January

As of 1 January 2024, the new, innovative EU rules introducing a minimum effective tax rate of 15% for multinational companies active in EU Member States came into force. The framework will bring more fairness and stability to the tax landscape in the EU and globally, at the same time [...]
Nuovi finanziamenti per le Pmi

New funding for SMEs from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

In recent days, the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Board of Directors has approved new operations in favour of companies, territories, infrastructure and international cooperation for a total value of over 4.5 billion euros. In particular, various interventions include measures to support companies active in strategic sectors. The Board of Directors [...]
Energia, nuove regole per le agevolazioni alle imprese

Decree-Law on Energy sets new rules for business subsidies

On 27 November, the Council of Ministers approved a new decree law introducing urgent provisions for the country's energy security, the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources, and support for energy-intensive businesses. With regard to the latter two, the draft, presented by Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin and [...]
Chiesta sospensione delle linee guida delle etichette dei vini

Wine labels, European producers call for a suspension of guidelines

The Ceev (European Wine Confederation) is calling on the European Commission and the European Parliament to work together, in order to find an agreed interpretation on QR-code identification. Bottle labels must in fact display nutritional values and the list of ingredients, which can be accessed by consumers via a QR-code [...]
Zona economica unica dal 1° gennaio

From 1 January on, also Sardinia will be included in the SEZ

The SEZs will be no more in two days' time: they will be replaced by the single Special Economic Zone, which will include the entire southern Italy, as well as the islands. Sardinia, therefore, after these two months of transition, will be incorporated into the new territorial structure, which will [...]
Tra Italia e Giappone partnership per imprese e startup

Partnership between Italy and Japan for companies and start-ups

A document on strategic cooperation on advanced technologies and biotechnologies was signed in Tokyo by the Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso and his Japanese counterpart for Economy, Trade and Industry, Yasutoshi Nishimura. Cooperation between the two countries will see the promotion of collaborations between companies and [...]
5 milioni di euro per due progetti di promozione del pecorino romano in Germania e Giappone

Pecorino Romano cheese, 5 million euros from the EU for projects in Germany and Japan

The objective is to be increasingly competitive on international markets, strengthening the presence of Pecorino Romano PDO cheese within a programme of strong enhancement of Italian and European agri-food products. The Macomer-based Protection Consortium is bringing home two new important projects financed by the EU: these will ensure a total [...]