The Region of Sardinia is characterised by a mostly mountainous territory, rich in plateaus and groups of hills, marked by an irregular layout. The most important and wide plain is the Campidano one, that stretches for about 110 km, from the Gulf of Cagliari to that of Oristano. The coastline has an 1800 km extension. The island has an efficient transport system, which is periodically renovated and constantly improved. The main roads, that connect the most important city centres, are the 131, 130, 125 highways. About the overseas connection, there are 3 airports in the region: the main one is Cagliari-Elmas (which is close to the city centre), followed by the Olbia and Alghero airport. The maritime connections are assured by 5 main ports, located in Cagliari, Golfo Aranci, Porto Torres, Arbatax and Oristano. The regional territory is divided into 377 municipalities that converge, after the implementation of the Regional Law 4 February 2016, n. 2 on the reorganization of the system of local autonomies, in 4 Provinces and a metropolitan city:
Provincia del Sud Sardegna: the largest province of the Sardinia region, and the most populous one.
La città metropolitana di Cagliari is the regional capital, hosts numerous public and administrative offices and a university centre.
Provincia di Sassari: is the second largest and most populous province, includes the territory located in the North-West of the island.
Provincia di Oristano: the city of Oristano, provincial capital, hosts the main public offices and the “Consorzio Uno” university, a renowned seat of Cagliari and Sassari universities.
Provincia di Nuoro: the capital, Nuoro, hosts the main public offices a branch of the University.
The region of Sardinia boasts an important past in the chemical industry, in mineral extraction and in general in the exploitation of quarries and salt mines; due to the industrial crisis of the last decade, it was necessary to implement regional industrial policies aimed at the alignment and respect of the European policies. In particular, it was evident the need of making the industrial exploitation sustainable and environmentally sound through the redevelopment and reclamation of the industrial areas, the reconversion of the distribution networks and the support to the professional development and the exports, heavily relying on the qualities and the natural territorial vocations.
To promote competitiveness, innovation and the island’s power of attraction, the regional administration implements provisions aimed at developing entrepreneurial activity, by making available financial incentives. This strategy is aimed at promoting the accessibility, the enhancement of environmental and historical-cultural resources and the island’s economic development.
Strategic action to support entrepreneurs is aimed at simplifying and rationalizing the administrative procedures inherent in the production system. To this end, the Sardinia Region has promoted and supported the activation of the SUAP (One-Stop office for productive activities), in the Municipalities of the regional territory. The SUAP is the unique interface for all administrative procedures concerning economic and production activity.
There are many European funding opportunities: placing itself in the "regional competitiveness and employment" objective, the island benefits for the 2014-2020 period of community resources coming from the Structural Funds:
1. ERDF - European Regional Developement Fund
Furthermore, the Sardinian Regional government encourages high-level training and the development of increasingly specialized professionals, through training programs and incentives for training courses to be carried out abroad.
For further information, you can also consult the websites of the various provinces: