The One Stop Shop for Productive Activities and Construction (SUAPE) is the only interlocutor for those who want to start or develop an activity in Sardinia and for citizens who have to carry out a construction project.
The SUAPE is an innovative tool that simplifies and completes the files in less time, in a single office.
The functions of SUAPE are carried out by the Municipalities or Unions of Municipalities that instruct the practices and, when necessary, issue the authorisation measure.
The Regional Coordination SUAPE is the regional office that manages the portal, the forms and the uniform application of the procedure by all the competent bodies.
The citizen telematically presents his practice to SUAPE by filling out the DUA (Declaration Only Enabled) and the necessary forms and transmitting it through the section "Access to SUAPE" of this portal.
These are the main stages for the presentation of the dossier
1. access the restricted area of the portal (via IDM, CNS or SPID) through the section "Access to SUAPE";
2. start the compilation by selecting the municipality to send the practice and the sector to which the intervention is intended to be carried out belongs;
3. follow the compilation flow and enter the required data into the forms generated by the system;
4. arrived at the step "5 Forward" click on the button "VALID", select the forms to sign and choose the option of signing between ONLINE SIGNATURE or SIGNATURE OFFLINE
5. at the end of the signature operation complete the sending by clicking on "SEND PRACTICE".
For more details please visit the support section
At the end of the procedure, the citizen obtains an automatic receipt, which attests the presentation and the taking in charge of the practice from the system. The automatic receipt, for all self-certificated procedures, together with the DUA and its annexes, allows you to start the activity or carry out the intervention. After the formal verification, SUAPE will issue a final receipt.
For any difficulties during the compilation, you can contact the number 070 606 2677