
Stabilimento balneare

Tourism, new laws for occasional employment contracts

In the tourism and spa sector , new rules come into force concerning occasional employment contracts , introduced by Decree-Law 48/2023, converted, with amendments, by Law 85/2023. In particular, the economic limits of use and the levels of employment beyond which it is not possible to access the occasional service [...]
Turismo mare

Sea-based economy on the rise thanks to the tourism recovery

Sea-based economy led the recovery in Italy. According to an analysis of the Tagliacarne Centre studies, realised for the Frosinone-Latina Chamber of Commerce, Informare and Unioncamere the produced wealth from the sea-based economy in 2021 marks a +9,3% compared to 2020, bringing to almost 56 billion euros the added value [...]

Travel, new security measures for those arriving in Europe

International travellers entering the EU will have to comply with stricter rules to reduce the risk of transmission of the coronavirus. The new safety measures have been proposed by the European Commission in response to the spread of new variants of the coronavirus and a health situation which is still [...]
Manifesto of the resilient Sardinia

Nature, environment, healthiness, slow times: Sardinia tries to spring back rethinking its approach to tourism. The recipe of Sardinian municipalities for a “Manifesto of the resilient Sardinia”

The pandemic leads the island tourist industry into a deep rethinking of Sardinia as a destination and of the way of promoting it. The challenge for the end of the crisis starts from Santa Teresa di Gallura; beaches, restaurants, accommodation facilities, a strong relationship with host communities: COVID-19 redesigns the [...]