In the tourism and spa sector, new rules come into force concerning occasional employment contracts, introduced by Decree-Law 48/2023, converted, with amendments, by Law 85/2023.
In particular, the economic limits of use and the levels of employment beyond which it is not possible to access the occasional service contract, for users operating in the following sectors:
- congresses;
- fairs;
- events;
- thermal baths;
- amusement parks.
The news is fully illustrated in the INPS [Italy’s National Institute for Social Security] circular issued 3 August 2023, n. 75. These are the main changes made by the legislation:
• as of 5 May 2023, companies employing up to 25 permanent employees can access the occasional service contract;
• from 1 January 2023, user companies may pay compensation up until 15,000 euros for all providers;
• from 9 August 2023, the Occasional Contract of Service is online: it allows the registration and communication of data related to work performance, and it is implemented with the new category of companies.