

Rising energy prices, 35 million euros to help private buses

The European Commission has approved an Italian aid measure of 35 million euros in support of businesses providing commercial bus transport services. The measure is intended to alleviate the liquidity needs faced by these companies due to the current geopolitical crisis and the consequent increase in the prices of natural [...]

Growing innovation in the EU countries

Technological and scientific innovation continues to grow in the EU, with Italy among the "moderate innovators" countries. According to the 2022 edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard, published yesterday by the European Commission, EU innovation performance has improved by around 10% since 2015. Innovation performance has improved for 19 Member [...]
Una serra

Floriculture, 25 million to withstand rising energy costs

The Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies has issued a decree allocating 25 million euros to the horticultural sector, as an aid to counteract the effects of higher energy prices due to the current economic crisis, generated by the international instability, caused by the Ukrainian war. According to Istat [...]
Olio d'oliva

100 million euros to finance the modernisation of olive oil mills

100 million euros to support the modernisation of olive oil mills: this is the sum allocated by the Government with a scheme that has recently obtained the green light of the European Commission. The objective of this aid measure is to encourage businesses of all sizes producing extra virgin olive [...]
Turismo mare

Sea-based economy on the rise thanks to the tourism recovery

Sea-based economy led the recovery in Italy. According to an analysis of the Tagliacarne Centre studies, realised for the Frosinone-Latina Chamber of Commerce, Informare and Unioncamere the produced wealth from the sea-based economy in 2021 marks a +9,3% compared to 2020, bringing to almost 56 billion euros the added value [...]