

Sardinian companies to Grandi Degustazioni in Canada

As part of the actions of the Three-year Program for Internationalization , the Regional Ministry of Industry has provided for participation in the twenty-third edition of Grandi Degustazioni (Great Tasting) in Canada , dedicated to wine. Grandi Degustazioni is an event organized and promoted by ICE, the Agency for foreign [...]
Invitalia: Smart & Start Italia

Invitalia: Smart & Start Italia

“ Smart & Start Italia ” is a funding scheme aimed at supporting the creation and development of innovative, high-tech start-ups throughout the country, to stimulate a new entrepreneurial culture linked to the digital economy, to enhance the results scientific and technological research. The following subjects are considered eligible for [...]
The research programs of the University of Sassari

The research programs of the University of Sassari

The University of Sassari supports and promotes the value of knowledge and skills, their transfer to the socio-economic system and endorse a lasting collaboration between academy and business. The University, thanks to the scouting activity of its own skills and technologies, is able to propose solutions to the questions of [...]
Invitalia: Smart & Start Italia

Invitalia: Smart & Start Italia

“ Smart & Start Italia ” is a funding scheme aimed at supporting the creation and development of innovative, high-tech start-ups throughout the country, to stimulate a new entrepreneurial culture linked to the digital economy, to enhance the results scientific and technological research. The following subjects are considered eligible for [...]
Public research bodies in Sardinia: the University of Cagliari

Public research bodies in Sardinia: the University of Cagliari

The University of Cagliari actively works with the entrepreneurial world, in particular with regional companies, through a series of exchanges constantly enriched by new ideas and innovative networking initiatives, ranging from applied research to technological transfer. The interaction process between the University of Cagliari and the “planet enterprise” rests on [...]
Beyond sanctions: to invest and to export Italian products to Russia

Beyond sanctions: to invest and to export Italian products to Russia

In March 2014, the European Union imposed restrictive measures against Russia in response to the Ukrainian crisis. The Russian Federation responded by imposing measures against the European Union and its Member States (in addition to the United States, Canada, Norway and Australia). The European sanctions against Russia have been extended [...]
Island business incubators

Island business incubators

In Sardinia several business incubators have been opened to improve the chances of success of new business initiatives. Incubators are protected environments where brilliant ideas can be transformed into business. Defined by the European Union as “the organisation that accelerates and systematizes the process of creating new businesses by providing [...]
A focus on the Research Centres in Sardinia

A focus on the Research Centres in Sardinia

The main Research Centres in Sardinia are located in the SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARK, in the CNR (National Research Council) facilities and in AGRIS (Agency for research In Agriculture) . SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARK It is a system of advanced infrastructures and services for technological innovation and valorisation of research [...]