The value of agricultural production grows


The value of organic agricultural production in Italy is estimated at 3.6 billion euros, with an increase of 1.9% compared to 2020 and an impact on the total agri-food stable around 4%. An encouraging fact reported by Ismea during the International Exhibition of Organic and Natural (Sana) that took place in recent days in Bologna.

From the analysis of shopping carts, fruit and vegetables is the main sector representing almost 47% of sales and confirming the attention of consumers for fresh produce.

As for the sales channels, the first months of 2021 tell of a recovery of traditional and specialised stores (+7.7%) after last year large supermarket chains had channelled much of the sales as a result of the restrictions dictated by the health emergency.

The changed purchasing behaviour of the consumer is also evident when it comes to online sales. Even in organic food, e-commerce has become a significant channel, with a turnover of 145 million euros recorded in the last twelve months and a 96% growth in just three years. 
