There are 318.000 hirings planned by Italian companies in February, 1.023.000 the forecast between February and April. Numbers slightly down from the beginning of the year but growing compared to the same period of 2021. In Sardinia, 7.450 employees are scheduled by companies in February (+2.160 compared to February 2021) and 25.810 between February and April (+7.860 for the same period 2021). The data emerge from the Bulletin of the Excelsior Information System, created by Unioncamere and Anpal, which also detects a negative aspect: the recovery due to the complete reopening of all activities collides with increases in energy costs, the difficulties of supplying raw materials, as well as the difficulty in finding labour, which is growing, and affects more than 40% of planned revenue. The lack of candidates is the main cause of the mismatch (22.9%), followed by inadequate preparation (13.9%) and other reasons (3.5%). In Sardinia the difficulty of finding employees is estimated for February to 31.2%.
At the sectoral level, the metalworking and metal products industries report a greater difficulty in finding 54.6% of the workforce, followed by construction (51.7%) and mechatronics (49.4%). The industry has in program to activate 110.000 contracts, of which 36.000 in the constructions and 74.000 in the manufacturing one. In the tertiary sector are expected over 207.000 contracts, with tourism pulling the sector with +400 units compared to January and increases revenue compared to a year ago with +32.000 units. They follow the services to the persons with 38.000 entrances, the commerce (35.000) and the services of transport, logistics and warehousing (25.000).
Fixed-term contracts are confirmed as the most proposed form, with 167.000 units, equal to 52.7% of the total. This is followed by permanent contracts (72.000 units, 22.6%), those under administration (31.000, about 10%), other contracts not employed (just under 20.000, 6.2%) and apprenticeships, offered at 13.000 positions, equal to 4.3%.