Technology, trade, competition, foreign policy: Europe and the US join forces through the Trade and Technology Council

la bandiera europea

The Trade and Technology Council EU-USA takes the first steps and marks the beginning of a collaboration between the European Union and the United States of America to identify the areas in which it is worthwhile to work together to define common standards and adequate, effective responses on issues relating to technology, trade, competition, foreign policy.

It starts from ten working groups, each focused on a well-defined topic. It ranges from securing supply chains to technological standards such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, biotechnology, robotics and other emerging technologies; A response to the climate crisis and a common position on countries that violate human rights or influence the market in an anti-competitive manner are being sought.

Other working groups will address digital security and competitiveness (security standards, diversification of telco, 5G and 6G providers and other topics such as, for example, data processing (including platform liability, content regulation, big data and targeted advertising).

The TTC will also take care of export control, with a particular focus on technologies with potential harmful applications, such as surveillance systems, foreign investment screening, with the aim of strengthening them through the sharing of information, as well as improving access to digital technologies for SMEs.

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