Regional export is growing in the first quarter of 2022


The Sardinian export continues to grow but slows its run. According to the report published by the Centro Studi della CNA Sardegna, in the first quarter of 2022 the value of regional exports grew by 35% compared to the corresponding period of 2021. A positive data but that also marks a stop if compared to the +63% recorded at the end of 2021 in the exports. In any case, the level of foreign demand for Sardinian products is very high, equal to 1.6 billion euros, higher than the pre-pandemic ones. Not to leave economists completely calm is the figure net of exports of refined oil products: the economic value of regional exports in this case is down by 6% compared to the first quarter of 2021. Only two other southern regions show a decrease, even more significant, in exports in the most recent period, namely Basilicata and Molise, with a decrease of 13.5% and 23.5% respectively.

The analysis shows a very good trend for chemicals (82 million euros) and for agri-food (+6%). However, the metal processing industry is in sharp decline; after the exponential growth recorded last year, with about half of the demand coming from Qatar, now it marks a -74.5%. Although it remains a driving force, currently accounting for 15% of regional exports (net of petroleum products), the agri-food sector recorded a 9% drop in demand from the United States (a buyer worth 44% of the market). China’s demand is also down (-40%), representing 2% of the market.

Within the agri-food sector, sales of pecorino and Dolce Sardo stand out, considering also that a consistent share is produced outside the island; in the first quarter of 2022 it amounted to 52 million euros, up 30% compared to the first three months of last year. The growth in receipts was determined by the dynamics of export prices, which increased significantly: starting from the last months of 2021 they exceeded 10 euros per kg, even reaching the historical record of 11 euros in March this year, against an average of 8,6 euros per kg in 2020.

Internationalisation and export