On 27 November, the Council of Ministers approved a new decree law introducing urgent provisions for the country's energy security, the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources, and support for energy-intensive businesses. With regard to the latter two, the draft, presented by Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin and to be converted into law by the Chambers of Deputies, reforms the facilities for energy-intensive businesses, in order to bring the national discipline in line with the European regulations on state aid for the climate, environment and energy 2022.
In particular, the following measures are introduced:
- a fund for Regions and Autonomous Provinces of 350 million euros per year until 2032 for compensation measures and environmental and territorial rebalancing against the installation of renewable plants in suitable areas;
- an incentive system to install renewable energy plants aimed at about 3800 energyintensive companies such as those in the chemical, glass and textile industries. These will be able to have the effects of the construction of these plants advanced by the GSE, to be repaid over the next twenty years;
- the purchase of gas at an advantageous price for about a thousand gas companies (such as those in the steel, paper, and glass industries), through the GSE, and the issuing of new hydrocarbon licences;
- simplifications for geothermal power, in particular with regard to the allocation of concessions.