State Aid: a proposal to facilitate green and digital transition measures is under discussion


The European Commission is inviting Member States and all other interested parties to comment on several proposals to amend the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER). The objective of the proposed review is to take into account changes in several sets of State aid guidelines currently being revised and to further facilitate public support for the EU’s green and digital transition. The new rules will help lay the foundations for a sustainable economy while overcoming the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Member States and other interested parties may respond to the consultation until 8 December 2021. The Commission is proposing a number of targeted changes to the GBER to take account of the modifications to several sets of State aid guidelines currently under review (namely the Regional Aid Guidelines, the Climate, Energy and Environment Aid Guidelines, the Risk Finance Guidelines and the State Aid Guidelines for Research, Development and Innovation). The objective of the ongoing review of these guidelines and the proposed review of the GBER is to promote public funding contributions to the EU’s current priorities, including the Green Pact and European industrial and digital strategies, and to ensure that State aids rules take account of the latest technological and market developments. The adoption of the revised GBER is planned for the first half of 2022. 

Environment and health