On 31 January 2023 the second help desk dedicated to Agreements for innovation will open; for this measure the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy has released 500 million euros from the National Fund complementary to the NRRP, in order to finance research and development projects.
Additional resources, provided for by the Decree of 14 November 2022, may be added to this intervention following the signing, by 18 January 2023, of Framework Agreements with the involved regions and autonomous provinces.
The facilities will be available to enterprises of any size, even in a single form, engaged in industrial, agro-industrial, craft or industrial services, as well as research activities. Agricultural enterprises may participate in joint projects.
Some innovations were introduced among the criteria for the approval of applications for this second help desk, including: the prohibition for a person to submit several applications as a mono-proposer or a leading company of a partnership; the admission of applications to the call, not in chronological order, but according to the position taken in a specific ranking of merit, where the available financial resources do not allow the acceptance of all applications submitted on the same day. The ranking of merit will take into account the economic and financial aspects of the applicants and the impact of the project.
The actuator of the measure is Mediocredito centrale, on whose website, from 17 January 2023, it will be possible to proceed to the guided compilation of the request for facilitation and further documentation.