The Metropolitan Network of Northern Sardinia project will count on a € 75 million loan, will foster social innovation, competitive development and will also serve to enhance the services of the north-west area of Sardinia. The project is articulated in in seven main actions and will involves a basin of 228 thousand inhabitants residing in the municipalities of Sassari, Alghero, Castelsardo, Porto Torres, Sennori, Sorso, Stintino and Valledoria. The initiative, which is part of the actions related to territorial planning, provides for the implementation of activities that will involve representatives of the institutional and socio-economic world in the management of policies and services for the territory.
The agreement was presented last Monday, in Sassari, in a meeting attended by the President of the Region Francesco Pigliaru and the Regional Ministers for Programming, Industry and Environment, namely Raffaele Paci, Maria Grazia Piras and Donatella Spano. The mayors, the trade union representatives, the entrepreneurs and all the subjects involved in the project were also present.
"Cooperation - said president Pigliaru - is at the basis of development; by focusing on specific needs, decentralizing design capabilities and assigning responsibility to all those involved, we obtain the maximum benefits for those who live and work in this area. Small and medium cities that proceed separately can only have declining prospects ahead of them. But things change when you start, as happens here today, to think of us as one territory, main actors of a common challenge where everyone does their part to grow together."
Among the interventions in the pipeline, to name a few, there is also the one related to the Environmental Park of the North-West of Sardinia, which provides for the protection, redevelopment and enhancement of coastal areas, wetlands, lagoons and protected areas with the goal to make them accessible to tourists in coherence with existing assets. The aim is also to improve the quality life through local services, with a goal to reduce depopulation, to strengthen social and personal services, territorial sports services and urban parks for recreational purposes.
"Eight administrations - said the Minister Paci - have worked in one direction to overcome any possible difficulty to create economic development, focusing only on the good of a wide and articulated territory, which goes beyond the individual cities; we sought to valorise this territory and to invest on the potential of each actor. This is the best result of territorial planning: the dialogue between the territories, the ability to overcome individualism in the name of the common good, the desire to join forces to achieve the best possible result for everyone ".