"Italy-China", in Sardinia the last stage of bilateral meetings: after Milan, Rome and Naples it’s Cagliari’s turn.


Thursday December 6, the former Manifattura dei Tabacchi of Cagliari will host from 9.30 the final stage of the "Italy-China Week of Science, Technology and Innovation", the largest internationalization event involving the two countries. After the inauguration on 4 December in Milan, the initiative stopped in Rome and Naples. Since 2010, the event has involved 8 thousand experts and has activated 4.9 thousand transfer actions, fostering over 600 cooperation agreements. The event, promoted by the Chinese and Italian ministries for University and Research and hosted alternately in Italy and in China, is an opportunity for discussion and meeting between companies and research centers, to promote the creation of agreements and new investments. Cagliari will host a focus on the new frontiers of information technology, physics and astrophysics.


For the president of Sardinia, Francesco Pigliaru, "it is an event of great importance, which confirms and crowns an uninterrupted work of professionalism and reliability in international markets, thanks to which Sardinia is now known as a research and innovation laboratory". In this context "the Region plays its role as an attractor of investments with China," he adds, "a country that offers important opportunities for growth and comparison for our companies and a huge market for our productions". Along the same lines, the thought of the regional Minister for planning, Raffale Paci, according to which the relationship between Sardinia and China is increasingly intense. "There is great interest in our island, not only from an environmental and tourism point of view but also because of the high-tech skills we can guarantee," says Paci. "The Chinese market is huge and is constantly expanding - he concludes - it is a great opportunity for us, we want to help our businesses grow through innovation and internationalization policies that allow them to compete in global markets".

Research and innovation