The interventions of the Recovery Plan


222.1 billion euros to restart the Italian economy, heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is the treasure of the Recovery Plan approved by the Council of Ministers and that, after the passage in Parliament, will be sent to the European Commission by 30 April 2021. The intervention program developed by the Draghi Government draws for 191.5 billion from the Recovery Fund (money for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan) and for 30.6 billion euros from the Supplementary Fund financed by the budget variance.

The Plan also includes a comprehensive package of reforms, covering, among others, the areas of public administration, justice, regulatory simplification and competition.

The Plan has as its main beneficiaries’ women, young people and southern Italy; it contributes substantially to promoting social inclusion and reducing territorial disparities.

Overall, 27% of the Plan is dedicated to digitisation, 40% to investments to combat climate change, and more than 10% to social cohesion.

The Recovery Plan covers six missions on which funding will be directed:

  1. Digitisation, Innovation, Competitiveness, Culture
  2. Green Revolution and Ecological Transition;
  3. Infrastructures for Sustainable Mobility;
  4. Education and Research;
  5. Inclusion and Cohesion;
  6. Health

The first mission, "Digitisation, Innovation, Competitiveness, Culture", allocates a total of 49.2 billion euros - of which 40.7 billion from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and 8.5 billion from the Fund. Its objectives are to promote the digital transformation of the country, support the innovation of the production system, and invest in two key sectors for Italy, tourism and culture.

The second mission, "Green Revolution and Ecological Transition", allocates a total of 68.6 billion - of which 59.3 billion from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and 9.3 billion from the Fund. Its objectives are to improve the sustainability and resilience of the economic system and to ensure a fair and inclusive environmental transition.

The third mission, "Sustainable Mobility Infrastructure", allocates a total of 31.4 billion - of which 25.1 billion from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and 6.3 billion from the Fund. Its primary objective is the rational development of a modern, sustainable and extended transport infrastructure to all areas of the country.

The fourth mission, "Education and Research", allocates a total of 31.9 billion euros - of which 30.9 billion from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and 1 billion from the Fund. Its aim is to strengthen the educational system, digital and technical-scientific skills, research and technology transfer.

The fifth mission, "Inclusion and Cohesion", allocates a total of 22.4 billion - of which 19.8 billion from the Resilience and Recovery Facility and 2.6 billion from the Fund. Its aim is to facilitate participation in the labour market, including through training, strengthening active labour policies, and fostering social inclusion.

The sixth mission, "Health", allocates a total of 18.5 billion, of which 15.6 billion from the Recovery and Resilience Facility and 2.9 billion from the Fund. Its aim is to strengthen prevention and health services on the ground, modernise and digitise the health system and ensure fair access to care.

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