EU, an emergency plan for transports

trasporti e mobilità

The objective is to protect and strengthen the sector after the crisis

To protect and strengthen the freight and people transport sector. This is the aim of the Emergency Transport Plan, adopted by the European Commission in response to the economic crisis in the sector, which has been hampered both by the long period of the Covid-19 pandemic and by the outbreak of armed conflict in Ukraine.
The plan proposes a series of 10 actions to guide the EU and its Member States in the introduction of emergency measures in response to crises. It highlights, among other actions, the importance of ensuring minimal connectivity and protecting passengers, developing cyber-attack resilience and regularly testing resilience in general. It also stresses the relevance of the green lanes principles, that ensure that in the overland freight transport the crossing of borders can take place in less than 15 minutes, and strengthens the role of the network of contact points of the national transport authorities. Both the green lanes and the network of contact points have proved to be crucial during the Covid-19 pandemic and in the current crisis caused by the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
These are the ten areas of action:
1. making EU transport regulations suitable for crisis situations;
2. ensuring adequate support for the transport sector;
3. ensuring the free movement of goods, services and persons;
4. managing refugee flows and the return of passengers and workers in the transport sector who have been stranded;
5. ensure minimum transport connectivity and passenger protection;
6. share transport information;
7. strengthening the coordination of transport policy;
8. strengthening cyber security;
9. to test emergency response in the transport sector;
10. cooperating with partners

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