News - 7

Donna imprenditrice

Female entrepreneurship: the Unioncamere report

At the end of June 2022, there were 1.345 million female companies in business in Italy, representing 22.2% of the total Italian companies. The data emerges from the recently published Fifht Report on female entrepreneurship, made by Unioncamere in collaboration with the Tagliacarne Studies Centre and Si.Camera. The world of [...]
Donna imprenditrice

Female entrepreneurship: the Unioncamere report

At the end of June 2022, there were 1.345 million female companies in business in Italy, representing 22.2% of the total Italian companies. The data emerges from the recently published Fifht Report on female entrepreneurship, made by Unioncamere in collaboration with the Tagliacarne Studies Centre and Si.Camera. The world of [...]
Island business incubators

Island business incubators

In Sardinia several business incubators have been opened to improve the chances of success of new business initiatives. Incubators are protected environments where brilliant ideas can be transformed into business. Defined by the European Union as “the organisation that accelerates and systematizes the process of creating new businesses by providing [...]
Island business incubators

Island business incubators

In Sardinia several business incubators have been opened to improve the chances of success of new business initiatives. Incubators are protected environments where brilliant ideas can be transformed into business. Defined by the European Union as “the organisation that accelerates and systematizes the process of creating new businesses by providing [...]
Island business incubators

Island business incubators

In Sardinia several business incubators have been opened to improve the chances of success of new business initiatives. Incubators are protected environments where brilliant ideas can be transformed into business. Defined by the European Union as “the organisation that accelerates and systematizes the process of creating new businesses by providing [...]
Island business incubators

Island business incubators

In Sardinia several business incubators have been opened to improve the chances of success of new business initiatives. Incubators are protected environments where brilliant ideas can be transformed into business. Defined by the European Union as “the organisation that accelerates and systematizes the process of creating new businesses by providing [...]
Island business incubators

Island business incubators

In Sardinia several business incubators have been opened to improve the chances of success of new business initiatives. Incubators are protected environments where brilliant ideas can be transformed into business. Defined by the European Union as “the organisation that accelerates and systematizes the process of creating new businesses by providing [...]