Venture capital funds are launched to support the ecological and digital transition of startups and SMEs.
With its 550 million euros budget, included as part of the NRRP "Support of startups and venture capital active in the ecological transition" and "Financing startups", funding will be provided through the two funds "Green Transition Fund" (250 million euros) and "Digital Transition Fund" (300 million euros), managed by CDP Venture Capital SGR, on behalf of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.
Projects related to the green transition may include the use of renewable energy, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, circular economy; those related to the digital transition should cover areas such as artificial intelligence, industry 4.0, cybersecurity, fintech, and blockchain.
The managing institution shall select investment proposals in accordance with the Funds' investment policy and in line with market’s best practices. 40% of the resources will be reserved for investments (both direct and indirect) to be made in Southern Italy.