The number of Sardinian people who earn a university degree is increasing. In 2017, 23.6% of adults in the 30-34 age group have earned a university degree, increasing 3.3% compared to 2016 (20.3%). Sardinia is therefore among the regions with the highest level of education of adult people in Italy.
The employed in the 25-64 years age group turn comparatively more to training activities and education compared to other regions; this phenomenon is even more relevant for the not employed (either those unemployed or looking for their first job) of the same age group. In 2017, according to Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics), the percentage of Sardinian population aged 25-64 in possession of a secondary school certificate of first degree as highest level of education is equal to 50.3%, ranking Sardinia third overall nationally.
Following a long industrial, manufacturing and agricultural tradition, in Sardinia a complex system of professional and practical skills has settled, one able to satisfy the workforce requirements in all productive sectors.
With regard to higher formation, the Region of Sardinia, in the context of the ESF Operational Programme (European Social Fund) 2014-2020, promotes a series of initiatives aimed at the qualification of human capital; here are some of the most important:
- The Youth Guarantee programme, aimed at putting an end to youth unemployment and NEET phenomenon, includes the increase of resources destined for these targets through job placement formulas such as apprenticeship.
- Promotion of female employment with a mainstream approach, through resources dedicated to women, while focusing also on public sector and on longterm unemployed. Moreover, the institutions in charge of the labour market will be strengthened by means of local initiatives promoting employment and professional mobility. 169 million euros have been allocated in the framework of employment.
- Promotion of selfemployment and self-entrepreneurship
- The Region proposes the implementation of masters, either in Italy or abroad, and advanced training courses addressed to all the network of parties involved – students, universities, administrations, companies – involved in strategies of development and growth, adapting the courses to the needs of the territory, with business support to increase competitiveness.
For more information:
- “Programma operativo Regione Sardegna attraverso il Fondo Sociale Europeo”