"Internationalisation" is a concept that encompasses many meanings; there are multiple ways in which a business becomes internationalised.
For a company, internationalisation is the equivalent of becoming somehow "international" and, as a consequence, building relationships with companies, consumers and institutions operating in foreign markets. Therefore, the term identifies a process, but it does not define the multiple ways it can vary. As a result of an internationalisation process, the company will be able to sell its products abroad, produce abroad, buy from foreign suppliers or find sources of financing in foreign markets. It is evident then that many and different are the ways to internationalisation, as it is a process that brings into the company something new, which does not belong to the national reality.
Internationalisation generally has two primary objectives:
- To reduce costs by using foreign suppliers;
- To increase revenues by expanding the reference geographic market.
The definition of the entry strategy into foreign markets goes through two main phases:
- In the first phase, it is determined whether there are market opportunities in new geographical areas and whether the company has the productive, financial and organisational capacities to sell abroad;
- In the second phase, business and commercial strategies are defined, contacts are made with local operators and, above all, the reference market is studied.
What matters is that the process begins through a reasoned choice and is not instead the result of an impetus that often makes you lose sight of the difficulties that are inevitably met.
Below you can find some documents for further information