Social infrastructures are divided into health facilities, educational facilities, cultural and recreational facilities.
Health facilities
Medical assistance is guaranteed through various types of public and private accredited facilities, through hospitalization, assistance and prevention. The public or accredited hospitalization institutes in Sardinia are the following:
The institutes have been organized in 2017 into a single ATS Company (Health Protection Company), with 8 social-health areas, corresponding to the territories of the old Assl (Local Health unit, Sassari, Olbia, Nuoro, Lanusei, Oristano, Sanluri, Carbonia, Cagliari). The hospital system includes:
- a hospital Public Company;
- 29 directly managed hospitals;
- 2 hospital clinics integrated with the University of Cagliari and Sassari;
- a scientific institute;
- a regional Public Company for Emergency Urgency
- 12 accredited nursing homes, private facilities providing hospital assistance under single agreements.
The Single Medical Reservation Center responds to the telephone number 1533 and is managed by the 8 Local Health Units. The complete map of all the social and health assistance structures of Sardinia is available on the Sardegna Salute portal and on the ATS Sardegna portal.
The regional cooperation network in support of social inclusion and the recovery of disadvantaged people is active and sensitive.
According to the latest ISTAT data available, the National Health Service in 2013 had just over 199.000 available hospital beds in Italy. Out of these, 5.507 are in public structures in Sardinia, with an additional 1.516 beds in private accredited facilites in the regional territory. The ratio of hospital beds available in public and private facilities in relation to population is of 3.3 if we consider the total number of beds (Day Hospital, Day Surgery, Ordinary stay, paid hospital stay).
Cultural and recreational facilities
The Sardinian territory and its cultural services infrastructures have received support and investment projects based on a perspective of the "cultural heritage chain". Libraries are the most widespread cultural infrastructure capable of managing innovative services. They make an already active and efficient thematic network, not only for sharing practices and tools but also providing technologies and connectivity.
This system is embellished by the widespread presence of cultural facilities such as cinemas, museums, theaters and cultural spaces for the most diverse types of use. The management is mainly local and represents a way of doing business that appears increasingly profitable.