In Sardinia, the average annual goods import and export by road is equal to 16.3 tons per capita.
The trade of goods by sea is clearly more consistent (648.9 tons per capita) and much higher than the national figure. Along with Calabria and Sicily, it accounts for nearly half of the national freight coasting trade.
Similarly, with regard to the air traffic, the number of passengers per 100 inhabitants is greater in Sardinia than the rest of Italy.
The three main airports of Sardinia (Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero) are located in the north and the south of the region, therefore the least accessible area is the central one, which coincides with the provinces of Oristano, Nuoro and Ogliastra. In particular, the Ogliastra area has an average travel time to reach the nearest airport <2 hours.
As far as rail freight traffic is concerned, accessibility to the railway stations providing cargo transport on railway cars is high in almost all of Sardinia.