
A preliminary analysis aimed at defining the company’s needs is, undoubtedly, one of the preparatory tasks (needed) at the beginning of any entrepreneurial activity. The [..]
Si estás determinado a crear tu empresa , el primer paso es desarrollar una buena idea empresarial , donde idea empresarial significa el fruto de [..]
En esta sección usted averiguar cuál es la mejor estrategia para hacer crecer su negocio. Diversifique su negocio Aumente su negocio
In Sardinia, the number of graduates increased from 12 to 17% between 2007 and 2011 and the level of education of the adult population is [..]
How to identify the necessary forms The single forms have a modular structure and depend on the requirements of the individual procedure. The Single Self-Certified [..]
The applicant may submit the DUAAP application electronically through a series of guided steps (click here to begin the process): kinds of action (starting a [..]
The users can submit files to the Point of single contace ( SUAPE) by filling the DUA (Abilitation Declaration) and the related forms. DUA allows [..]
Prevenire gli errori ricorrenti di natura legale e finanziaria da parte di imprese, università, centri di ricerca ed enti pubblici che gestiscono progetti finanziati dal [..]
Sarà l’ex Manifattura Tabacchi di Cagliari a ospitare il prossimo 26 gennaio dalle 9.15 una giornata dedicata a “Sme instrument” e “Fast track to innovation”, [..]