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Interreg Italy-France Maritime 2021-2027: the second 85 million euros Notice has been launched

The 2nd Notice of the Italy-France Maritime Programme 2021-2027 has officially opened: stakeholders have until 6 pm on 30 May 2024 to submit project applications. The second Notice of the Programme has a budget of 85,353,081.30 euros : projects falling under priorities 1,2,3 and 4 defined by the Programme itself can be financed. Interreg Italy-France Maritime 2021-2027 aims to support the economic[...]
Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo 2021-2027

Cybersecurity: the European certification system has been approved

Europe's digital space will be more secure. The European Commission has adopted the first European Cybersecurity Certification System. The system offers an EU-wide set of standards and procedures on how to certify ICT products in their lifecycle and thus make them more trustworthy for users. Certification formally recognises that ICT products are trusted to protect the hardware and software that[...]

Farmers, EU says yes to exemption for fallow land

The European Commission has adopted a regulation granting farmers a partial exemption from the cross-compliance fallow land rule. The regulation will enter into force tomorrow, 14 February, and will apply retroactively from 1 January for one year, i.e. until 31 December 2024. The partial exemption takes into account numerous requests from member states for more flexibility to better respond to the[...]
Terreno agricolo

Decree-Law on Energy sets new rules for business subsidies

On 27 November, the Council of Ministers approved a new decree law introducing urgent provisions for the country's energy security, the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources, and support for energy-intensive businesses. With regard to the latter two, the draft, presented by Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin and to be converted into law by the Chambers of Deputies, reforms[...]
Energia, nuove regole per le agevolazioni alle imprese

Pecorino Romano cheese, 5 million euros from the EU for projects in Germany and Japan

The objective is to be increasingly competitive on international markets, strengthening the presence of Pecorino Romano PDO cheese within a programme of strong enhancement of Italian and European agri-food products. The Macomer-based Protection Consortium is bringing home two new important projects financed by the EU: these will ensure a total of 5 million euros, continuing to invest in promotion[...]
5 milioni di euro per due progetti di promozione del pecorino romano in Germania e Giappone

EU, new corporate tax regime in force from 1 January

As of 1 January 2024, the new, innovative EU rules introducing a minimum effective tax rate of 15% for multinational companies active in EU Member States came into force. The framework will bring more fairness and stability to the tax landscape in the EU and globally, at the same time making it more modern and better adapted to today's globalised digital world. The entry into force of the minimum[...]
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