A special economic zone in Sardinia, to attract businesses and investments


A special economic zone, spanning 2,770 hectares, will serve to attract businesses and investments. It will involve the six ports with the respective back-port areas. These are, in short, the characteristics of the ZES (Special Economic Zone), a " network" economic zone, which the Regional Government has decided to create on the island.

The strategic plan for its establishment will be submitted to the attention and vote of the Council in September and will then be forwarded to the Government to get the final green light.

The Minister for Planning, Raffaele Paci, has now finished the meetings with the local administrations and the industrial consortia of Cagliari, Portovesme, Olbia, Porto Torres, Oristano and Ogliastra together with the Port Authority of Sardinia and the regional departments of Industry , Local Authorities and Transport.

The Special Economic Zones are provided for by the South decree wanted by the Government. It concerns areas connected to port areas, which will enjoy administrative and tax simplifications. The objective is to facilitate and help the development of already established companies and to boost the competitiveness of the southern regions' ports.

"The drafting of the Plan - assured Paci - is now at the end. It was an effort we carried out with the full involvement of all local contacts, with whom we have shared goals and strategies to achieve the best possible result. In the meetings on the territory we decided, sharing all the steps with the method of unified programming, how to design the ZES in the geography of Sardinia, in order to trigger development dynamics that will allow companies and investments to be attracted, thus creating a virtuous mechanism for our economy ".

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